Reading Time: 4 minutes2022 has been another great ride for M&A in the technology sector, but what does 2023 bring? Linda weighs in on predictions for M&A in 2023 and shares insights from Equiteq’s Global Buyers Report 2023.
Is the Rise in Interest Rates Impacting M&A in the Technology Sector?
Reading Time: 4 minutesU.S. middle-market PE firms have seen decreased deal count and value in 2022. Let’s look specifically at M&A activity in the IT sector, and what sellers could expect going forward.
Is the Rise in Interest Rates Impacting M&A in the Technology Sector?Read More
Observations on IT Deal Flow for Q1 – Global Market Down 23%
Reading Time: 3 minutesHere’s a breakdown of what lower middle market M&A deals looked like in Q1 of 2022. While global M&A took a hit due to a variety of market factors, you may be surprised by lower mid-market trends.
Observations on IT Deal Flow for Q1 – Global Market Down 23%Read More
BSI’s TOP 100 VAR List Deep Dive – What the numbers reveal and what will change in 2018
Reading Time: 4 minutesA technology M&A advisor’s analysis of BSI’s TOP 100 VAR List. Here are the trends over the last four years, and what they tell us about the upcoming year for the ERP Channel.
BSI’s TOP 100 VAR List Deep Dive – What the numbers reveal and what will change in 2018Read More
Valuations – The Fun Stuff! : Selling a Microsoft Tech Company Part II
Reading Time: 3 minutesA summary of trends in valuations and buyer activity in the IT transaction space, specifically for Microsoft partners – from a technology M&A advisor’s perspective.
Valuations – The Fun Stuff! : Selling a Microsoft Tech Company Part IIRead More