Reading Time: 6 minutesGetting the offer is a big step forward. But seeing its full potential can only be done with an experienced M&A advisor by your side.
Signed an LOI? Why You May Still Need an M&A AdvisorRead More
// by Linda Rose
Reading Time: 6 minutesGetting the offer is a big step forward. But seeing its full potential can only be done with an experienced M&A advisor by your side.
Signed an LOI? Why You May Still Need an M&A AdvisorRead More
// by Linda Rose
Reading Time: 8 minutesHere are 10 common post-LOI scenarios that can kill a deal or delay it significantly, and how you can prevent them in the first place.
How to Protect Your Business Sale: 10 Scenarios That Can Delay or Kill Your DealRead More
// by Linda Rose
Reading Time: 5 minutesWhen selling your company, it’s worth it to negotiate or find a deal that offers equity. Here’s why, including example calculations to show you that “second bite of the apple.”
The Second Bite of the Apple – Why Wouldn’t You Take It?Read More
// by Linda Rose
Reading Time: 3 minutesDid you know that the typical M&A transaction will have at least 8 – 10 agreements as part of the entire document group called the Definitive Agreements? Here are the typical documents I see in a standard transaction process.
// by Linda Rose
Reading Time: 9 minutesGetting a Letter of Intent (LOI) signed with a company or individual you want to sell to is an accomplishment. Unfortunately, there are almost always bumps in the road before a deal is closed at the price and terms specified in the LOI. Here are some of the most common bumps that can appear, and what you can do to mitigate or avoid them.
Bumps in the Road…. After the Letter of Intent is SignedRead More
// by Linda Rose
Reading Time: 7 minutesThe day you receive your first LOI is pretty special. Someone is ready to give you hard, cold cash for your years of effort. Now what? Here are the top questions about LOIs.