Reading Time: 7 minutesThere are a number of ways you can level up your business in 2024 – the question is whether time or money is more important to you right now. Here are some options organized by your priorities.
You Know It’s Time to Sell Your Company, But…
Reading Time: 4 minutesNot having a clear plan for AFTER you sell your company can paralyze a seller and hold back a deal as much as terms or offer price! Here are some resources to help you figure out your path forward.
Upcoming Webinar on Women in Tech with Linda Rose
Reading Time: 2 minutes If you weren’t able to attend the recent Microsoft Inspire event in Las Vegas, you missed an incredible opportunity to learn how women are increasing their presence in the technology industry. But what struggles are you likely to face as a woman entrepreneur and technologist, and how do you quickly overcome them.
Linda Rose Interview MSDW Podcast – Get Acquired for Millions Book
Reading Time: 2 minutesLinda was the recent guest of a MSDynamicsWorld podcast where she talked with editor Jason Gumbert about her own stories as an entrepreneur, including the sale of 3 businesses in her career, her research for her new book and a few findings and recommendations to offer other Technology Service Providers. Linda’s new book which was …
Linda Rose Interview MSDW Podcast – Get Acquired for Millions BookRead More
Linda’s new book Get Acquired for Millions debuts at Microsoft Inspire 2019
Reading Time: 2 minutesHelp Linda Rose Support Women In Technology at Inspire 2019. Next week, IT industry influencer Linda Rose will be launching her new book, Get Acquired for Millions – A Road Map for Technology Services Providers to Maximize Company Value, with 100% of the proceeds going to organizations that support women working in technology until September 15.
Linda’s new book Get Acquired for Millions debuts at Microsoft Inspire 2019Read More